Thirteen years ago - you were born. With strong and powerful contractions I laboured through the night.
You arrived after 17 hours. A healing and amazing vbac birth. When I looked into your eyes, I saw strength and determination.
Today you are an incredible person. With so many amazing qualities - too many to list. To write them here would take away from who you are. For you are an amazing person - a son that I adore.
Happy Birthday Josh,
My world has been blessed with you in it - I love you.
Mum xx
Happy Birthday also from Athens, Greece.
Happy Birthday Josh, you have so much potential ahead of you. The world awaits you. You will succeed at whatever you put your mind to. We love you. Once again B, you have raised an incredible young man. You are such a wonderful mother xxx.
Hey Mama Bee. Yes, like Kristy said, your beautiful son is a testament to his stable, loving and nurturing upbringing. xxx
Congratulations Donna on another incredibly warm and loving post. So beautiful. =) Happy Birthday amazing Josh.
What a fantastic guy, what an awesome grandson, thirteen years!!!! Yes you are such a wonderful mum B xxxxx
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